Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Don't forget about your student's incentive program!

Hi parents!

This is just a friendly reminder that we have an incentive program for your students to reward their hard work!  They can get credit for the following each week!

  1. Signed homework sheet in their folder. (You can also drop me a note to let me know how our assignments are working for you at home).
  2. Encourage your student to come on their own to our class.
When your student gets 4 checks, he/she can choose a prize from our prize box!

Spring Break is Coming!

Dear Parents:

After Friday of this week, our students will be on Spring break for 2 weeks. They are all looking forward to many fun adventures during their time away from school.  I would like to make a few suggestions to help practice and incorporate your student's 'homework' into your schedule and activities while they are away from school.

  • Play board games!  Before your student takes a turn (or any other players for that matter), ask them to use a word/phrase/sentence with their speech sounds or language targets (such as verbs or pronouns).
  • Play "I spy" and find items that have your student's speech sound
  • "I'm thinking of....."  To play this game, your student (or you for that matter) will describe something or somewhere using their word/sounds. The other players try to take turns trying to determine what the mystery subject is. 
  • Practice the sheets provided for your student
  • Use the website and practice using one of the provided links.
Have a happy and productive Spring Break!

Welcome to Mrs. Hadley's Speech and Language Class!  

Here you can find information about:

  • The types of services provided in our class and how to contact Mrs. Hadley
  • How to refer a student.
  • The Homework Page!

The Speech and Language Class at NorthStar Academy offers services to address all types of Communication.  This including language comprehension, language expression, articulation, listening/hearing, social communication, memory, executive functioning, fluency/stuttering, voice health, and more.

Our Speech and Language services are offered under the Special Education Law (IDEA).  The Federal law provides steps to refer a student for our services;

  • Begin with your classroom teacher.  Express your concerns to your teacher. They can discuss the education impact, if any, that your student's possible challenges may present.
  • The classroom teacher (with suggestions from the Speech Language Pathologist) will attempt to address the student's needs in the classroom.
  • If the interventions do not appear to be successful, the teacher should keep the parent informed as to the results of the intervention period.  The classroom teacher completes appropriate paperwork and submits it to the "LEA" (School Director)
  • If appropriate, the LEA will refer to Speech and Language services.  
  • The Speech-Language Pathologist will contact the parent to begin to process of evaluation and possible future placement in our classroom. Eligibility for services depends upon the results of the evaluation and the requirements of the IDEA law.